King Size Bed Dimensions - Tips For Finding The Right Size Bed

What are the king size bed dimensions, and which one is best for you and your bedroom? Today, many people are interest in this subject, because very simply, a queen size bed does not work for many people depending on their height and weight. If you have one or two people sleeping in the same bed, you'll certainly want a larger king-size bed to meet your needs.

Adjustable Frame Bed

There is nothing worse than trying get to sleep and having your feet hanging over the edge of the bed, because this can be very uncomfortable. Very simply, there are few things as important life is getting a good night sleep, and having the right bed dimensions can make all the difference in this process. Whether you want a king adjustable bed, spring air mattress bed, etc, here are some tips to help you find the right dimensions that will meet your needs.

Adjustable Frame Bed

First of all, your regular adjustable king size beds dimensions are 76 inches wide and 80 inches long, which puts them exactly 1 foot and 6 inches bigger than your regular queen size bed. Of course, you have to invest more money to get these, because of the increased size.

However, if you do require it for your personal needs, then the extra investment will certainly be worth it. Don't try to save some money and get too small of a bed, because this will surely not be very comfortable when attempting to sleep at night.

Of course, if you are in the United States and you want take a step up from the regular king-size bed, the next step is known as the California King size bed. These bed dimensions are 72 inches wide and 84 inches long, which is really great for taller people.

Also, if you want to really step up in size, you can go with what is known as a grand king size bed which comes 80 inches wide and 98 inches long. Obvious, the longer and wider you get, the more money you'll have to pay; however, if you are either heavier, this investment is certainly be worth it.

The best bet to save some money on your king size bed, regardless of the dimensions, is to go on the Internet make your purchase online. No, you certainly can't see that you are purchasing this way, but as long as you do your research and find a reliable bed, this shouldn't be a problem. For this, don't simply purchase the first one that you see; read reviews of the different bed offerings, and find the best when it's available.

Also, make sure that you find one that comes equipped with the right bed sheets and a mattress that will match your overall room decor. Very simply, once the bed has been shipped it is very hard to return; therefore, make sure it will match the rest of your room. Hopefully these king size bed dimensions tips will be to find the best bed to match your room and your overall needs.

King Size Bed Dimensions - Tips For Finding The Right Size Bed
Adjustable Frame Bed

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Heads Up! The Way You Are Sleeping May Be Killing You!

Every one of us has a mysterious double life.

Adjustable Frame Bed

For about two thirds of the time we are conscious beings, thinking about the world within and without, and negotiating our ways through the obstacles of life. For the other one third of the time we are nearly lifeless lumps of flesh, unconscious to everything but our own fantasies, as we lie flat in bed asleep. We all know that sleep is important for health. But for an activity that consumes about 8 hours of everyday of life, surprisingly little is thought about the act of sleeping, or the way our culture teaches us to sleep. Sleep behavior, like all human activities, is defined by our culture.

Adjustable Frame Bed

Sometimes, the practices taught by our culture can impact on the way our bodies function. As medical anthropologists, we research ways our cultural practices may be affecting our health. And we have found that the way we have been trained to sleep may be one of the most important causes of various diseases plaguing our society.

Of course, when you consider the culture of sleeping, it includes such isues as the length of time to sleep, and time of day for sleep. Do you take frequent naps or do you sleep 8 hours straight? Do you sleep at night or during the day?

Other issues concern sleepwear. Do you sleep nude, or with pajamas or lingerie? Do you sleep in your underwear? Should the sheets be natural fabrics, such as cotton or silk, or is polyester okay? What about the detergent and fabric softeners used in the sheets, pillow case, and pj's?

Should you eat before you sleep? What is the impact of watching television before sleep? Should you take sleeping pills to help you sleep?

These are some of the culturally defined issues that help determine how we sleep, all of which may have some potential impact on health. However, there is one cultural issue that tops the list of importance, and which may greatly determine your health status. It has to do with your sleep position. Are you sleeping on a firm, flat bed, face down, with your nose and eye compressed against the bed and pillow? Or are you on your back with your head slightly elevated, as is the case for many native cultures that use hammocks or other non-flat surfaces for sleep?

The reason we ask this last question is because the circulation to the head and brain is completely related to your body position when sleeping.

We all have had a time of experiencing dizziness or lightheadedness when getting out of bed too quickly. This effect is called orthostatic hypotension, and results from the fact that blood pressure falls when you lie down, and sudden raising of the head may temporarily deprive the brain of sufficient blood pressure, resulting in the dizziness or lightheadedness. The blood pressure soon rises, increasing the blood supply to the brain, as you feel normal again.

This phenomenon shows that the body's position, relative to gravity, influences head and brain circulation. You can also demonstrate this by doing a head stand, which many yoga practitioners do daily. Intracranial pressure rises dramatically, as blood rushes to the head, which becomes beet red, and the neck veins swell out, as blood pools in the venous system.

But apart from these examples, very little, if anything, is mentioned in medical physiology textbooks about gravity and its impact on circulation. Yet, you cannot fully understand brain circulation without considering gravity.

The effect of gravity on brain circulation is purely mechanical, and relates to the position of the head relative to the pumping heart. When we are standing up, the head is above the heart, so blood must pump against the force of gravity -- from the heart to the brain -- lowering the effective pressure with which the arterial blood is delivered to the brain. Meanwhile, drainage of blood from the brain to the heart is facilitated by the pull of gravity.

In contrast, when we lie down and are horizontal, the heart and head are now on the same plane. This eliminates the effects of gravity on brain circulation. Blood from the heart pumps powerfully into the head without gravity's resistance, increasing intracranial pressure. And blood returning from the brain to the heart must do so without gravity's assistance, causing a back-up of blood in the brain.

Essentially, intracranial pressure increases, and overall brain circulation diminishes, when you are lying flat compared to standing up.

Of course, the body is intelligent and has mechanisms for controlling brain pressure under different gravity situations. When the brain gets pressurized from lying down, there are various pressure receptors in the head and neck designed to lower blood pressure, thereby preventing too much brain pressure and the possibility of blowing a blood vessel or creating a cerebral aneurysm. This is why blood pressure is lower when we are sleeping, and horizontal.

But these brain mechanisms for adjusting pressure have their limits. As we go through the day in a vertical position, gravity relentlessly pulls our body's fluids downwards, which is why many people have swollen feet and ankles by day's end. Once we lie down, the gravity effect is lost, as fluid leaves the legs and returns to the head. So despite our brains normal defense mechanisms, throughout the night intracranial pressure increases and is highest in the morning, after hours of lying flat, and lowest at the end of the day, after hours of being vertical.

What happens when intracranial pressure is high from long periods of lying flat? The increased arterial pressure causes extra cerebral spinal fluid to form in the brain's ventricles, increasing intracranial fluid pressure. The ventricles swell and the cells of the brain become bathed in excess fluid, essentially causing brain edema. This edema would lower the available oxygen and sugar for brain cells. The lack of gravity assisted drainage from the brain would cause a back-up of blood in the venous system and collecting sinuses in the brain. The brain's circulation would become relatively stagnant, as the only force moving blood through would be the pushing force of the arterial pressure (which is greatly reduced after going through the cerebral circulation) and the sucking force of the heart's right atrium. And in addition to the brain swelling under the pressure, the eyes, ears, face, sinuses, gums -- the entire head -- will become pressurized and the tissues congested with fluid!

There is one field of medicine that avidly studies this effect of gravity on physiology. That sub-specialty is Space Medicine. Astronauts in space are in a zero-gravity field, and it is known that this causes blood to shift to the head and brain, causing increased brain pressure and accompanying migraines, glaucoma, Meniere's disease, and other problems associated with a pressurized, congested brain. To study the negative effects of zero-gravity here on Earth, these space scientists have people lie down flat! However, since medicine is so wide a field, with sub-specialists learning more and more about less and less, there is little exchange of ideas between space medicine and Earth-bound medicine. Otherwise, someone would have realized that lying flat is what we do when we sleep. If it causes problems for astronauts, then couldn't it cause problems for everyone else?

We found out about this Space research while we performed our own research into sleep positions as a possible cause of migraines. We hypothesized that sleeping too flat for too long each night could lead to brain pressure and fluid accumulation (edema) within the brain tissue, with associated hypoxia and hypoglycemia. The brain cannot function well without proper amounts of oxygen or sugar, and this condition would be at its worst in the morning, which is when most migraines occur.

While migraines have been thought of as a pathological phenomenon, it is also possible that the migraine is the brain's defense mechanism to receive new blood along with sugar and oxygen. After all, the only way the brain can get what it needs is from the bloodstream, and during a migraine arteries to the head open up and send blood with force throughout the brain. Perhaps, we reasoned, the migraine is a type of emergency "brain flush", replacing old blood with new. If so, could we prevent migraines by having migraine sufferers sleep with their heads slightly elevated?

We tested our theory by having about 100 volunteer migraineurs sleep with the heads of their beds elevated, from 10-30 degrees. Head elevation, we theorized, would improve the brain circulation by providing some gravity assistance to drainage. Interestingly, we found that Space Medicine researchers discovered that brain circulation (and heart pumping) is optimal at a 30-degree head of bed elevation.

To our amazement, we found that the majority of the migraineurs in our study experienced relief by this simple sleep position change! Many had no new migraines, after being migraine sufferers for 30 or more years! The results were very fast, within a few days. And there were very interesting side effects, too. Our volunteers woke up more alert. Morning sinus congestion was significantly reduced for most people. Some reported that they no longer had certain allergies. Could we have discovered the real purpose and cause of migraines?

The implications of these findings were, frankly, astounding to us. So many diseases are related to increased brain pressure of "unknown" cause. Sleep position was never studied as the cause of this increased pressure. The implications go far beyond the prevention and treatment of migraines. Any condition that is related to brain pressure, and that is usually worse in the morning after a night of horizontal time, can be potentially related to this gravity and sleep position issue.

Keep in mind that the brain is the central nervous system controlling and modifying all bodily functions. If certain centers of the brain are congested and pressurized daily by sleeping too flat for long hours, those centers can malfunction. Depending on the way a person sleeps, the idiosyncrasies of their brain circulation, and other variables, different people might experience this brain pressure differently. For some, the respiratory centers of the hypothalamus might be particularly congested, resulting in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (which has been associated with head and body position while sleeping), sleep apnea, or even asthma. Sleep apnea has been shown to be treatable with changes in sleep position.

Strokes are clearly associated with brain pressure, and usually occur at night or in the early morning, while sleeping. This is when brain pressure is highest.

Glaucoma is clearly caused by this mechanism. It is already known that eye pressure increases when the head is down, and decreases when the head is up. It is essential to note the head position when taking eye pressure readings because of this sensitive relationship between intraocular pressure and head position. Eye pressure is also highest in the early morning. Elevating the head while sleeping should be routine for glaucoma treatment and prevention.

Baggy eyes and sinus congestion seem to be related to head pressure. Just as the brain gets extra pressure when lying down, the head and face are pressurized, too. People with these problems usually find immediate relief by sleeping elevated 10-30 degrees.

Alzheimer's disease, we believe, might be the end disease caused by chronic brain congestion and pressure from flat sleeping. The cerebral ventricles of the Alzheimer's brain are expanded, suggesting a history of ventricular pressure, and generalized lesions along the ventricles may indicate areas of brain tissue that have deteriorated from this chronic pressure. Other research has already shown Alzheimer's is associated with increased brain pressure, but the cause has been considered unknown, as is the case with almost all brain pressure problems.

It should be noted that the blood-brain barrier cannot function properly when pressurized. Excessive intracranial pressure can cause leaks in this barrier by expanding the basement membrane, allowing heavy metals, e.g., aluminum and mercury, as well as viruses and bacteria, to enter the brain that would have otherwise been excluded. This may be why heavy metals have been associated with certain brain problems, such as Alzheimer's.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is also known to be associated with congestion of the "impulse center" within the brain that helps control behavior. We found several children with ADHD experience profound improvement of self control by elevating their heads while sleeping.

In addition to head position relative to gravity, we also have found side or belly sleeping can create problems. For example, we found several cases of carpel tunnel syndrome related to sleeping on the hands or wrists, and shoulder pain from sleeping on the side. And keep in mind that head pressure increases, and drainage diminishes, when the head is rotated to the side. Sleeping on the back avoids compression of limbs and internal organs.

It is also interesting to note that patients with asymmetrical problems will typically be worse on the side they sleep on. For example, eye pathology will be worse in the eye on the side of the face that is slept on most. Ear infections will be worse on the "down" ear. You can also tell the side a person sleeps on by observing the shape of the nose. Apart from injuries, the nose should be symmetrical, but becomes curved away from the pillow because of sleeping on the side of the face and pressing on the nose for hours each night. The nose will point away from the side that is most slept on.

Men should be told that side sleeping may result in testicular compression and possible dysfunction. And women who sleep on their sides or stomachs subject their breasts to compression and impaired circulation. Side sleepers may have more breast trouble on the side they sleep on.

We should forewarn the practitioner, however, that, while the effect of elevating the head while sleeping will be dramatic and transformative for many patients and should be considered essential to disease prevention strategies, the fact is that many people resist changing their sleep behaviors. They have been conditioned to sleep a certain way since birth. And even when they want to change their sleep position, it's difficult to ensure compliance when the subject is unconscious! It takes tremendous will power to alter sleep behavior. But it is well worth the trouble, as people usually see within a week of sleeping elevated.

We found the best methods for head elevation include using more pillows, using a foam wedge, placing blocks under the legs of the bed frame at the head of the bed, or using an adjustable bed. While the ideal position is with the head from 10-30 degrees elevated, 10 degrees elevation is fine to start with. The legs should be slightly elevated, too, and the person should try to stay on his or her back as much as possible. The ideal position is one you would be in if leaning back in a recliner chair. (Recliners would be fine to use, too, but they usually give poor lower back support.) Also, be aware that some people will find one degree of elevation more comfortable than another. People with low blood pressure may need their heads lower than those with higher blood pressure. Others may have some neck and shoulder discomfort from the new position. However, by experimenting with pillows under the arms, underneath the buttocks (which prevents sliding down the bed), and under the feet and legs, the patient should find a comfortable solution.

Also, when taking in to effect patient history, realize that neck injuries and tight neck muscles can impair venous drainage of the brain by compression of the jugular veins by the tight muscles. Neck massage and spinal adjustments may help improve overall brain circulation. We have had a few case histories where there was little or no improvement from head elevation, but the subjects had a history of neck injuries.

Of course, there will be times when people feel lightheaded and need to lie down to get more blood to the head. It might also be better for people to sleep less at night and to make up for lost sleep with a nap, or a siesta, during the day. That would avoid extremes of high and low brain pressure. But our culture makes it necessary for most people to do all their sleeping at once. Sleeping, after all, is a cultural issue. The point is to be aware of how you feel, and realize that your body position relative to gravity may be a key factor affecting health and disease.

We are continuing to research this effect of gravity and sleep position on health, and encourage practitioners to communicate their patients' experiences with us. We also highly encourage you to read our book, Get It Up! Revealing the Simple Surprising Lifestyle that Causes Migraines, Alzheimer's, Stroke, Glaucoma, Sleep Apnea, Impotence, and More! (ISCD Press, 2001), where we discuss the profound implications of this theory, including a lengthy list of references about brain pressure and various diseases and the effect of gravity on brain circulation. After you see the evidence, you will probably be as amazed as we are that sleep research has been ignoring this critical aspect of sleep.

Sleeping too flat each day may be the greatest lifestyle mistake people are making in our culture. Some of the worst diseases of our time may be all in our bed!

Heads Up! The Way You Are Sleeping May Be Killing You!
Adjustable Frame Bed

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Installing a Shower Pan Membrane Liner for a Custom Ceramic Tile Shower

Installing a custom ceramic tile shower in your home is something a do it yourself homeowner can do with a little upfront knowledge. The most important aspect of a successful custom ceramic tile shower installation is properly installing a shower pan membrane liner. The shower pan membrane liner is used to ensure a leak-proof shower.

Adjustable Frame Bed

Shower pan membrane liners are used to funnel any water that seeps through the floor or wall grout to the shower drain below. The shower pan membrane liner is made up of a flexible type of plastic material that sits below a bed of mortar, and the tile, in the shower floor area.

Adjustable Frame Bed

Prior to installing the shower pan membrane liner, the floor of the shower needs to be pre-sloped to ensure that the water will flow towards the shower drain assembly. The pre-slope is accomplished by applying a layer of mortar to the floor of the shower unit area. The layer of mortar is troweled in such as way as to create a gentle slope from the shower wall edges to the center of the shower where the drain resides.

Once the pre-slope mortar has cured, the flexible shower pan membrane liner can then be installed. There are a couple of types of shower pan membrane liners on the market, with each having their own benefits. With either type of membrane, the homeowner needs to form and fold the material into the base of the shower area and secure it to the sides of the shower wall frame with staples and/or nails. In addition, an opening in the membrane should be cut out to allow the adjustable shower drain assembly to slip through.

With the shower pan membrane installed, the cementitious ceramic tile backerboard can then be secured to the framed shower walls. The backerboard is a rigid material that is ideal for attaching tile in wet areas such as a shower stall.

After installing the ceramic tile backerboard, a final coat of mortar needs to be applied on top of the membrane to protect it and to provide a solid base for laying the ceramic floor tile.

With the final coat of mortar cured, the ceramic tile can then be installed in the shower.

Once the tile and grout have been installed, the shower drain assembly should be adjusted so that the drain height sits flush with the finished ceramic tile floor.

For more information on installing a shower pan membrane liner, see the Shower Pan Membrane Liner Installation EBook from The Shower Pan Membrane Liner EBook will quickly teach you the step-by-step process for installing the shower pan membrane liner correctly. It includes instructions on framing the shower stall, pouring the pre-slope and shower base mortar, and installing the shower pan membrane liner.

Installing a Shower Pan Membrane Liner for a Custom Ceramic Tile Shower
Adjustable Frame Bed

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Air Mattress Bed Frame - Why They Make Sense

In recent times air mattresses have become increasingly popular. The quality and technology behind this form of bedding has improved considerably. This has led to its widespread usage. Not only are they available in a variety of styles and sizes, there are a lot more accessories that are available as well. One of the most important accessories is an air mattress bed frame.

Adjustable Frame Bed

Here are some of the features and benefits of an Air Mattress Bed Frame:

Adjustable Frame Bed

Main Purpose

The purpose of the bed frame is to basically increase the height of the sleeping area. They lift the sleeping area off the ground. This becomes particularly important when camping. The ground might have some bugs and insects which can be avoided by using a higher surface. The ground might also be uneven which results in a disturbed sleep if the bedding is placed directly on the ground.


Some people find it much more convenient and easy to sleep on a raised surface. They are typically used to the regular bed and sleeping on a low surface might not be convenient. They are also very helpful for people having back problems or those who find it difficult to getting out of a bed that is directly on the ground. The increased height makes it easy for them to get in and out of the bed.

Space Saving at Home

Having a frame where the mattress is kept also increases the storage area of the place. When the bed is kept directly kept on the ground, it consumes surface area of the floor and cannot be used for storing other things. Using a frame makes for more efficient usage of the floor space. You can store items beneath the frame.

Easy to Store and Transport

The bed frames meant for air mattress, unlike conventional ones, are easy to store. They can easily be dismantled or folded up for convenient storage. They are also pretty light and can be easily transported from one place to another. You can carry one of these things with you - be it for camping, visiting as a house guest or even if you are simply travelling.


One good thing about these bed frames is that they are relatively inexpensive. They do not burn a big hole in your pocket. You can get one at a discount store near you.

One of the things you need to watch out while using air mattress bed frame is that they are not as robust or sturdy as regular ones. While this is typically not an issue, it should nevertheless be kept in mind while using it. If the frame is to support more than one person, adequate care must be taken to choose one that withstands and supports the weight of two people as typical support is for 600 pounds of weight. If there are children at home, it is best not to allow them to jump bedding on top of these frames.

Using a bed frame will help you get the most out of your air mattress. Whatever be your purpose, be it camping or using it at home, you will find the extra storage space and height provided by the bed frame a welcome addition.

Air Mattress Bed Frame - Why They Make Sense
Adjustable Frame Bed

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A Buyers Guide - Divan, Wood or Metal Beds?

The average lifespan of a bed is usually 8-10 years, a bed can deteriorate by as much as 70% in this time, depending on use and how well it's looked after. If you have been having difficulty sleeping, tossing, turning and waking up frequently or aches in your back, shoulders or neck, it could be time for a new bed.

Adjustable Frame Bed

Size Matters

Adjustable Frame Bed

Most sleep experts agree the bigger the bed, the better the sleep. Your bed should be 15cm longer than the tallest person sleeping in it. This ensures that you don't end up sleeping diagonally which is bad for your back and uncomfortable for you and your partner.

A healthy sleeper will toss and turn as many as 30-70 times a night, making width important too. The width of the bed is particularly important if you sleep with a partner. A standard double bed (135cm) gives each person just 69cm of space, which is narrower than a single bed.

You'll need to consider the size of your bedroom too. Make sure there's enough room to fit in other bedroom furniture including enough space to open drawers and wardrobes.

Bed Frame Vs Divan

Manoeuvrability - A bed frame will always arrive 'flat-packed' so it can be assembled in the room. This can be an advantage if you live in a house with narrow walkways or tight turns on staircases rather than a bulky divan base.

Ventilation - A slatted or mesh base will ventilate your mattress as it allows air flow underneath for a fresh sleeping environment. Therefore a bed frame may be much more preferable for allergy or asthma sufferers.

Design - You can make much more of a design statement with a bed frame. Frames are available in a wide range of materials including wood, leather and metal beds. Whether you're looking for traditional and classic or contemporary and minimalistic, a bed frame offers much more design possibilities.

Height - Bed frames are typically lower to the floor than divans, this is particularly useful if you have trouble getting in or out of bed.

Storage - Divans are available with pull-out storage drawers, however space is actually optimised under a bed frame. You'll have the option to store larger items, whereas with a divan you're restricted to the drawer size.

Bed Bases

A divan base is merely a wooden box on which the mattress sits. Wooden or metal beds base will be made up of slats; either sprung or rigid. A sprung slatted bed will have curved wooden slats, normally made of beech, that sit within the frame. Their natural bounce means that they'll adjust to your profile. A larger bed will have a double spring unit, supported by a central rail. This stops 'roll together,' ensuring you won't be disturbed when your partner gets out of bed. Rigid slats are fixed wooden slats with no give. They therefore provide an overall firmer feeling bed.

As a general rule, the gap between each slat should be less than 3 inches for proper support. The wear and tear on a mattress will also be greater the wider the gaps. Most manufacturers make their own recommendations for slat spacing to suit their mattresses, so be sure to check this out.

Wooden Vs Metal Beds

Durability - There is nothing quite as tough as metal beds, they are solid and sturdy and you'll never need to worry about the frame breaking, warping or getting weaker.

Design - While wooden beds look fantastic, metal beds offer you much more choice when it comes to style. As the bed is the focal point of a bedroom, you may want to go for a statement piece; metal can moulded and shaped into unique, elaborate designs.

Colour - Metal beds give you option of colour and finish. This is great if you're looking for children's beds or something that really makes a statement.

Size - Metal beds tend to be significantly less bulky than other bedroom suites. Wood can be chunky and cumbersome. This makes metal beds ideal for smaller bedrooms.

A bed is one of life's key purchases. Making the right choice will reward you with a better quality night's sleep, help your posture and health in general. Choose wisely and do plenty of research. Sleep in an ill-fitting, unsuitable bed and you could be setting yourself up for health problems in the future.

A Buyers Guide - Divan, Wood or Metal Beds?
Adjustable Frame Bed

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Curio Cabinet - Convenient Shelving to Display Your Collectibles

A curio cabinet is a way to display your favorite and most treasured possessions. It is usually made of a wood frame and has glass inlays on three, or even all four, sides. Some have glass inlays only on the door. They can also have a metal frame instead of a wood frame. This will depend on the style you choose and these cabinets come in several different styles. They are available to match nearly any type of décor that you are using to decorate your home.

Adjustable Frame Bed

One popular style is the corner curio cabinet. This type is nice because it is out of the way and fits discreetly in the corner while still highlighting your collection. For those that have a larger room, a two-way display is a wonderful choice. The two-way style is a freestanding unit that can be viewed from both sides. This is particularly nice for the person with a large collection of eccentric pieces that are best showcased where they can be seen at all angles, while still having the protection of glass. Another type is the console. This is similar in styling to an enclosed bookcase or armoire, but because of the glass doors (and sometimes glass sides), you will be able to view the contents. This sort usually sits flat to the wall. Moreover, speaking of walls, the final style we will discuss is the wall curio cabinet. This type is mounted right to the wall. The benefit of utilizing this kind is that you will save precious floor space. This comes in really handy if you have a smaller room that you would like to feature your items in.

Adjustable Frame Bed

Curios can be found in a variety of woods, metals and colored finishes. For a warm look, you may want to consider a golden oak, honey pine, cherry or amaretto finish. If you are looking for something contemporary, you may want to lean toward a black or metal finish. With some that are more in line with the modern styling, it can seem as if there is barely a frame at all, much less a color or finish. These will give the appearance of floating glass. Another thing to mull over when deciding on a curio cabinet is the number of shelves that you will need. If you have larger pieces in your collection, you will need less shelving. You collection will take up a larger amount of space per item so two or three shelves should be sufficient. However, if you have a collection of smaller items, you may want more shelving. Five or six shelves will give you more surface area on which to display your pieces.

Some other features that can be found in a curio cabinet are a glass mirrored back, adjustable shelving and a sliding door. Some cabinets come standard with lights and a door lock. The lights brighten up the area so your collection is more visible, while the lock keeps your treasure protected.

Curio Cabinet - Convenient Shelving to Display Your Collectibles
Adjustable Frame Bed

Sealy Twin Mattress

Essential Guide to Creating a Child's Bedroom

Whether you're preparing your first nursery or trying to turn a children's den into a teenage living space, we've got some great ideas and expert advice to help you create the perfect children's room without breaking the bank.

Adjustable Frame Bed

From a baby's first nursery to a teenager's bedroom, decorating a room for your children can be a tricky look to get right, but there are a few basic rules to follow to get it right.

Adjustable Frame Bed

Ideas for a nursery

When you plan a room for a newborn, bear in mind that decorating a nursery can be as much about creating a comfortable space for you as for your child.


Calm and comfort are all-important for newborns, so choose delicate shades and tactile fabrics for cosiness. Add a pretty mobile above the cot but make sure they are hung high enough to be out of reach when your child is old enough to stand.


Rather than furniture specifically designed with babies in mind, choose well-made items that can adapt with your child. For example, a chest of drawers can be topped with a mat to make a changing table, and a two-in-one cot bed will last until your baby is ready for a grown-up bed.

Window treatments

Blackout blinds are a good choice for babies' rooms. They make it much easier to settle small children during the day or on light evenings and should help stop them waking up at dawn in the summer months. Roller blinds also allow you to let in as much natural light as possible at other times.


To avoid your baby becoming too hot or cold, don't position their cot right next to a window or by a radiator. It may also be a good idea to invest in a room thermometer and try to keep the room at around 18°C.

Ideas For a toddlers bedroom

As they grow, energetic toddlers will need a place for supervised play, as well as a secure and cozy bed to encourage them to snuggle down alone at night.


Children grow out of the latest fads as quickly as their first pair of shoes, so rather than succumbing to an entire room of Dora the Explorer, choose a neutral backdrop and introduce colour with textiles, graphic wall stickers and fun accessories. A feature wall in a bright and lively wallpaper is also an easy way to change a nursery into bedroom.


Opt for a wardrobe with a pole that can be raised as they grow older. Secure free-standing furniture by fixing it to the wall with anti-toppling devices such as straps or fixing brackets. Open drawers can be used to climb, so use child-proof drawer latches on lower drawers.


Store toys in a variety of containers, according to their size. Combine see-through plastic storage crates, trunks and toy boxes with tubs, baskets, over-door organisers and mini-drawers. Categorise things so that they make sense to your child and arrange them so that they're easy to take out and put away.


Dimmer switches are a boon for checking on a sleeping toddler and can be left on low for an infant who's afraid of the dark. A glowing lamp or nightlight is also a good idea, but make to keep it out of reach.


Cover electrical sockets and keep trailing cords out of reach. Childproof the windows with latches that will allow the window to open no more than four inches and keep window areas clear of furniture so that children aren't tempted to climb onto them to reach windows.

Ideas for older children's bedrooms

Older children will relish having some input in the way their bedroom looks and will hanker after their own den for games and sleepovers with friends.


Use their favourite colours, textures and motifs in a way that suits your home - If bubblegum pink and electric blue go against all your interior style principles, compromise with powder pink or dove grey. Instead of dousing whole walls in vivid colours, add accents with soft furnishings and framed pictures, which can be easily and cheaply updated.


Have a spare bed ready for sleepovers. If space is limited opt for a hideaway bed with a pull-out truckle underneath for when friends come to stay. The White Company has stylish designs.


Adjustable shelves can accommodate big picture books for small kids, then be adapted for paperbacks as well as CDs and DVDs. Make use of wasted hanging space inside a standard wardrobe by fixing up a two-tier system of rails or fill the space at the bottom of the wardrobe with small plastic baskets for storing underwear, socks, nightwear and smaller items.


Fairy lights are an easy way to add a magical touch - string twinkling lights round a mirror for a little girl, or pin up a net of lights to create a personal cosmos for a budding spaceman.

Finishing touches

Murals and wall stickers can create a fun focal point in a kid's room. Help them to personalise their space in a shared bedroom by spelling out their names with funky lettering so that they each have their own dedicated area

Ideas for teenagers bedrooms

A teenager's bedroom is a place to study, socialise and sleep. Use spots of bright colour and clever storage to ceate a multi-functional space that meets all their needs.


Find the middle ground when you're choosing a colour scheme so that you end up with a look that you can both live with. Instead of all-black walls to ceiling, why not compromise with a single painted feature wall so that they still get their colour fix?


The key to getting a teen to put anything away is to make sure that it is easily accesible. Hang bulky items like guitars, skateboard helmets and backpacks on heavy duty wall hooks , add clear containers to bookcases to give at-a-glance storage for folded clothes and fix a brightly coloured peg board to the inside of a wardrobe for accessories, jewellery, belts, scarves, bags, sunglasses, etc.


Create a dedicated spot where teens can study in peace. Choose a desk big enough to write comfortably and pack in extra space for books and notes with wall-mounted shelving above the workspace. Invest in an adult-size wardrobe and chest of drawers to accommodate a growing collection of clothes.

Style extra

Make a chill-out corner with beanbags, stacks of cushions and low-level seating to keep your living room teenager-free.

Make it personal

Let your children put their own stamp on the decorating scheme and they'll be more likely to take care of it.

Get storage sorted

Keep bedrooms tidy by making sure there's a place for everything.

Get serious about safety

From baby-proofing your nursery to ground rules for teens, basic safety measures can keep kids safe from harm.

Use the space wisely

Create zones for sleeping, work and play with functional furniture and fun accessories.


Planning a decorating project will save you time, money and effort and produce professional looking results.

Paint, wallpaper and fabric calculators

Work out exactly how much you'll need to complete the job and save money on waste and leftovers

Colour ideas

Be inspired by three different looks aimed at all ages


Soft-grey walls are the perfect neutral shade for a new baby's room. Warmth can be added with vibrant limes, pinks and blues in stripes and checks, while pale furniture creates a restful feel and keeps the look clutter free.


Blues and green's combine to make a striking feature wall and are a good foil for warm, wood furniture and natural flooring. Cheerful motifs on the window treatment add to the sense of fun and create a welcoming look.


Pink is the obvious choice for a girl, but to prevent it becoming too sugary use a mix of patterns in vibrant shades of raspberry, red and orange. Temper them with white walls and furniture to keep the look fresh and contemporary.

Safety guidelines

Keep kids safe and sound with our essential guide to child-proofing your home

Think about bed location. Don't position the bed underneath a window, directly against a radiator or with shelves, ledges or appliances above that a child can get hold of.

Avoid hanging heavy pictures or mirrors above the bed.

Secure free-standing furniture by fixing it to the wall with anti-toppling devices such as straps or fixing brackets.

Avoid open drawers that can be used as a climbing frame - use child-proof latches on lower drawers.

Avoid bunkbeds if your child is under six. Cabin beds are a better option if you can squeeze them in - there'll be plenty of extra storage underneath too.

Use socket covers to keep plug sockets safe from probing fingers.

Secure all dangling lamp cords to prevent injury from pulling on them.

Childproof the windows. Use latches that will let the window open no more than 10cm.

Essential Guide to Creating a Child's Bedroom
Adjustable Frame Bed

Ladder Wall Shelf Computer Desk Chairs

Cultivating Antirrhinums

Antirrhinums are Herbaceous Perennials

Adjustable Frame Bed

Although strictly perennials, the florist's antirrhinums are now generally treated as half-hardy annuals or biennials. So great is the improvement in modern strains that most varieties can be relied upon to come almost 100 per cent, true from seed. The three height sections and the wonderful colour range make them invaluable plants for summer bedding. The intermediate varie­ties, reaching about 18 inches in height, are the most generally useful. The Tom Thumbs, which form compact little bushes little more than 6 inches high, are splendid edging plants, while the tall varieties serve a useful purpose as dot plants or for filling in gaps in the mixed border. These reach about 3 feet.

Adjustable Frame Bed

Antirrhinums are not fond of an over-rich soil. Drainage is a much more important point, as they will never thrive in waterlogged land. The ground for them should be deeply dug, and if deficient a good dressing of lime should be given before planting. The middle of May is a good general time for this operation, and once the plants are established no fears may be enter­tained as to drought. They definitely prefer to be kept on the dry side. Spent flowers must be regularly removed throughout the summer months, and as the practice of pinching the plants is not now so generally adopted, great care must be taken to see that the central spike is cut away before seed pods can form. On account of the depreda­tions of antirrhinum rust, and particularly in the southern counties, it is now advisable to spray the plants during June and July with sulphur compounds. If the disease does make its appearance, the only remedy is to burn all infected plants without delay to avoid its spread.

The rock garden antirrhinums such as Antirrhinum Asarina and Antirrhinum glutinosum are perennials. They should be planted in very well-drained places and rather poor soil, as, for example, in the face of a dry wall. In richer soils they grow soft and are apt to die out in winter. You ought to plant in April.

Seed can be sown in a tem­perature of about 60 degrees throughout Janu­ary and February. It must be only very lightly covered, as it will never germinate freely if deeply buried. As soon as the plants are large enough to handle, prick off into boxes 2 inches apart each way and gradually harden off in preparation for planting. Splendid results can also be obtained from a sowing made about the end of July in a cold frame, the plants being wintered in boxes or in a made-up bed in the frame and planted out about the beginning of May. From such a sowing they will naturally be rather earlier and also larger. The rock garden kinds are increased by careful divi­sion at planting time or by firm young cut­tings in a cold frame in August.

Cultivating Antirrhinums
Adjustable Frame Bed

Christmas Sales Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame 201

Dec 13, 2011 13:16:22

Christmas Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame Deals
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Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame <<

Christmas Sales Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame Feature

  • Easy to Adjust on Regular or Odd-Size Box Springs
  • Super Leg Lock Construction
  • Heavy Duty Headboard Attachments
  • Made with High Carbon Rail Steel

Christmas Sales Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame Overview

Hollywood Bed has been a leading supplier of bedding support products to the home furnishing, hospitality, contract and government markets for more than 80 years. The Clamp Style frame is Hollywood Bed?s most versatile adjustable bed frame.
  • Some assembly may be required. Please see product details.
  • Some assembly may be required. Please see product details.

  • SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

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    This Christmas Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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    Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame

    Limited Offer Today!! Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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    Incontinence Clamps For Men

    Incontinence clamps, also referred to as penile clamps, are external devices used to prevent urine leaks and help manage male incontinence.

    Adjustable Frame Bed

    These devices are available in a variety of styles and materials, but they all work on the same principle: preventing the release of urine by temporarily compressing the penis and "closing off" the urethra.

    Adjustable Frame Bed

    One of the most commonly used styles is the Cunningham clamp, which is a  hinged frame, generally lined with medical-grade washable foam pads. The frame is placed midway along the shaft of the penis and then tightened and fastened with a locking device. This applies gentle pressure to the top of the penis and compresses the urethra on the underside of the penis.

    The hinged frame may be made of metal or plastic. Some clamps are rigid, while others are semi-rigid and can be adjusted.

    Strap-style models, sometimes referred to as continence cuffs or penile straps, are also available. This style is a flexible, adjustable strap with a ridge or bump that is placed on against the urethra on the underside of the penis. The strap is then tightened to compress the urethra.

    Either type can be a safe, effective, and discreet tool for managing incontinence, but there are some very important things to take into consideration.

    - Scheduling is important. Physicians recommend that clamps be loosened at least every two hours to allow for emptying the bladder. Leaving the device in place too long can lead to painful and dangerous conditions including skin problems, penile edema, bladder damage, and scarring.

    Because the device can be removed and replaced quickly and easily, it can be a good choice for situations that offer easy access to a bathroom. Many men find that this method is less obtrusive than using pads and special underwear. However in situations where it will be difficult to keep to the schedule and there's a real possibility of not being able to release the device at least every two hours, this method of incontinence management isn't isn't the best choice.

    - Careful adjustment is crucial. If the device is not tight enough, it won't compress the urethra and leakage will occur. But if it's too tight, it can restrict blood flow, irritate and injure the skin, and even damage the urethra. Finding the right degree of tightness isn't difficult, but it does require some practice.

    - The comfort factor is highly individual. Some men find clamps a workable, comfortable aid in incontinence management, while others find them impractical because of scheduling concerns, and some find it difficult to get accustomed to the pressure the device applies.

    Using these devices safely, effectively, and comfortably requires some effort, attention, and practice. They're not the best choice for everyone or for every situation, but for millions of men they're an invaluable part of incontinence management.

    Incontinence Clamps For Men
    Adjustable Frame Bed

    Nikon Scope Mounts Solid Oak Bookcases Kids Futon Bed

    Causes and Remedies for Wheelchair Sores

    A. Problem Specifics

    Adjustable Frame Bed

    An important practicality of people in wheelchairs is that they must be in a balanced position throughout the ride - no slouching or drooping, no leaning forward or backward, no tipping, no sacral sitting and/or no slumping. We are after a neutral tilt, no sitting outside the "box", without a posterior pelvic tilt or with the pelvis not in the sacral sitting position but with anterior support. (Sacrum, Latin, "A triangular bone consisting of five fused vertebrae forming the posterior sect-ion of the pelvis"; Greek, "sacred bone once used in sacrifices".)

    Adjustable Frame Bed

    The reason for the insistence on this required posture is the fact that people in wheelchairs have a high risk of bedsores due to the lack of movement in the legs, poor circulation of the blood due to the lack of movement and inactivity due to possible recovery from a stroke and/or surgery.

    B. Causes and Symptoms

    A painful skin disorder occurs if a patient does not move about, regularly, and can develop a sore (bedsore) that may cause damage to deeper tissue layers affecting bone, tendons and muscle, according to JAMA(Journal of the American Medical Association). Bedsores occur when a patient is recovering from a stroke or surgery because of a lack of movement, little to no mobility and/or poor circulation. They are extremely painful and may appear as from "cracks" in the skin to open, deep bedsores, per se.

    Some of the more obvious causes are Old Age, Skin Abrasions, Diabetes, Inadequate Diet, Un-awareness, Skin Sensitivity, Incontinence and Wheelchair Usage.

    1. Old Age. Elderly patients may not be able to exercise as much as they once could. Mobility decreases with age that may cause bedsores to start.

    2. Skin Abrasions. Causes include frequent pushing or pulling across the bed, too-tight clothing and rubbing against bed-sheets.

    3. Diabetes. Causes nerve damage, hinders blood-flow and circulation, weakens overall health and hinders normal healing

    4. Inadequate Diet. Not getting proper nutrients for good health usually leads to lethargy, lack of energy for exercising or just plain movement and diminishes blood circulation increasing the susceptibility for bedsores.

    5. Unawareness. A limit of mental functioning as with Alzheimer's may leave patients highly susceptible to bedsores without the awareness to maintain proper hygiene providing a higher risk for bedsores.

    6. Skin Sensitivity. Very sensitive or delicate skin can lead to bedsores very easily with skin irritation occurring more rapidly in patients with sensitive skin.

    7. Incontinence. Bedsores occur more rapidly in patients with a lack of control of bodily functions. Level of skin-germs is increased along with skin moisture that develops skin infections, quickly progressing to bedsores more rapidly.

    8. Wheelchair Usage. People dependent on a wheelchair for movement and mobility are prone to bedsores on the legs due to restricted circulation, etc. They occur as movement decreases becoming a serious problem.

    C. What To Do About Them

    For the wheelchair problems, specifically and foremost, the first order is to supply the user with a cushion designed for the relief of the poor posturing problems while maintaining all the cushion dynamics and increasing a stable pelvic position with the proper pelvic tilt. This means that the hips are all the way back in the chair against the backrest and one-to-two inches from the end of the cushion to the back of the knees guaranteeing a stable and correct pelvic position without sacral sitting.

    D. Cautions With Solutions

    The seat cushion is, seemingly, the simplest and easiest solution for the poor posturing problems as well as the related bedsore problems. However, caution must be taken to find the proper seat- cushion in the first place matching all the dimensional and posturing requirements of the user. Further, a watch over the situation is necessary to make sure that the seat dynamics remain the same and stable over a specified length of time.

    Since the seat and cushion dynamics are always changing with time, with the user and with the wear, tear and usage of the wheelchair, it is mandatory to watch for changes and new discrepan-cies in the aforementioned measurements and characteristics.

    Additional wheelchair options and accessories that could be useful in maintaining the desired and correct seating position include tension-adjustable back upholstery, back-supports, criss-crossing belts (as seat-belts in an automobile) and adjustable-frame wheelchairs designed for postural support. As one can observe, the possible adjustments and accessories are numerous on today's wheelchairs leading to the comfort, safety, mobility and convenience for the wheelchair user.

    Causes and Remedies for Wheelchair Sores
    Adjustable Frame Bed

    Christmas Sales Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame 201

    Dec 11, 2011 18:36:14

    Christmas Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame Deals
    Click for larger image and other views

    Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame

    >> Click here to update Christmas prices for Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame <<

    Christmas Sales Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame Feature

    • Easy to Adjust on Regular or Odd-Size Box Springs
    • Super Leg Lock Construction
    • Heavy Duty Headboard Attachments
    • Made with High Carbon Rail Steel

    Christmas Sales Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame Overview

    Hollywood Bed has been a leading supplier of bedding support products to the home furnishing, hospitality, contract and government markets for more than 80 years. The Clamp Style frame is Hollywood Bed?s most versatile adjustable bed frame.
  • Some assembly may be required. Please see product details.
  • Some assembly may be required. Please see product details.

  • SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

    Available In Stock.

    This Christmas Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

    Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

    Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame

    Limited Offer Today!! Clamp Style Queen/California King/Eastern King Adjustable Waterbed Frame with 9 Legs and Super Glides By Hollywood Bed Frame Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

    Full Queen Bed Frame Wooden Wine Cabinet

    Queen Fashion Bed Group Instamatic Bed Frame

    Christmas Sales Queen Fashion Bed Group Instamatic Bed Frame 201

    Dec 10, 2011 21:16:06

    Christmas Queen Fashion Bed Group Instamatic Bed Frame Deals
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    Queen Fashion Bed Group Instamatic Bed Frame

    >> Click here to update Christmas prices for Queen Fashion Bed Group Instamatic Bed Frame <<

    Christmas Sales Queen Fashion Bed Group Instamatic Bed Frame Feature

    • Easy assembly (no tools required)
    • Rugged casters
    • Heavy-duty side rails with protective end caps
    • Extra-wide headboard brackets for a secure fit
    • Some Assembly Required

    Christmas Sales Queen Fashion Bed Group Instamatic Bed Frame Overview

    Durability and strength are the main features of the Instamatic Bed Frames by Fashion Bed Group. Attested to be the strongest bed frames made today these frames back up their claims with an original wedge-lock leg construction to provide exceptional dependability for ages to come. The Instamatic Bed Frame also features easy, simple construction that only takes seconds to build, so you dont spend ages frustrated over directions. Just simply wedge the side rails into the cross rails and youre done! Buy the last headboard attachable bed frame you will ever need with the Instamatic Bed Frame! Features: Silver Satin power coating finish Extra wide headboard brackets Available in Twin, Full, Queen, King and California King sizes Twin and Full sizes do not have a center support bar Queen and King sizes have a center support bar Hardy heavy duty side rails with protective end caps Recessed legs to prevent injury Quick and easy wedge lock assembly Lifetime warranty Specifications: Twin Size Dimensions: 7.2 H x 39 W x 75L Full Size Dimensions: 7.2 H x 54 W x 75 L Queen Size Dimensions: 7.2 H x 60 W x 80 L King Size Dimensions: 7.2 H x 76 W x 80 L California King Dimensions: 7.2 H x 72 W x 84 L

    SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

    Available In Stock.

    This Christmas Queen Fashion Bed Group Instamatic Bed Frame ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

    Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

    Queen Fashion Bed Group Instamatic Bed Frame

    Limited Offer Today!! Queen Fashion Bed Group Instamatic Bed Frame Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

    Wool Comforter Organic Convertible Crib Espresso Kid Toy Storage

    Comfy Recliners

    A recliner, as the word denotes, is a type of chair that leans back or reclines into a comfortable lounging position with the feet elevated and the head lying down. It was first introduced to the market by a company called La-Z-Boy in 1928. The recliner's design is based on the natural contour of the body when seated and leaned back. The ottoman was added to the recliner as footstool during the 1950s and became its symbol.

    Adjustable Frame Bed

    The first recliner became very famous that other furniture makers jumbled to ride on its popularity and offered their own versions of this innovative furniture. Recliners are really comfortable and relaxing chairs. They are mostly made from upholstery, leather, vinyl or naugahyde, an artificial leather.

    Adjustable Frame Bed

    The three most popular and commonly used types of recliners are the two-position recliner, the rocker or wall-saver, and the pushback or flex-back.

    The traditional two position recliner is the cheapest and most basic of all types of recliners. Some of its areas are upholstered with genuine leather like the arm, seat base and leg. One can be bought for less than a hundred dollars. Several parts such as the back are covered by vinyl, unlike others fully covered with leather. The usual warranty period for these recliners is just one year. There are also few styles to choose from.

    The rocker recliner is the most famous type of recliner and therefore most largely manufactured. It can be rocked back and forth while sitting upright or reclined. It has many different adjustable reclining angles. The wall-saver option allows you to place it very close to the wall to save space. It cannot be rocked while it is against the wall. It has a larger selection of fabrics and styles. The warranty is usually 5 years on frame and the unit has a lifetime guarantee. It is also more expensive than two position recliner.

    The push-back recliner has to be pushed by your back to recline. The basic framework is completely covered with leather and generally matches a modern-looking room because of its sleek design. While the style is more fashionable, the leather materials make it quite expensive.

    There are many other types of recliners. The recliner sofa is similar to a recliner chair but bigger. It is getting more popular nowadays because it can provide relaxation and comfort to around three persons at the same time. It is useful for persons with arthritis or asthma and other medical conditions. It usually cost a few hundred dollars higher than a recliner chair.

    Power recliners are suited for people with mobility problems. It is used mostly by the handicapped people, the elderly or individuals with injury and back and hip problems. It easily reclines with a simple press of a button.

    A recliner loveseat is designed especially for a couple. It is similar to a mini couch that has a reclining capability. It offers ample support for two people to recline together.

    Massage recliners are chairs padded with filling materials designed for therapeutic purposes, comfort and relaxation. It has vibrations installed in the chair that massages the body while seated.

    There are now patio recliners and garden recliners also for outdoor use. These are built with synthetic fiber as padding and are very durable and last long under normal use.

    Recliner wheelchairs are offered with unlimited back repositioning feature. It is comfortable and helpful in improving blood circulation. It also aids in sleeping. These recliners are made with standard folding frames, seats up to 24 inches in width and extended support for the head. The reclining mechanism is manually operated through levers that look like a bicycle brake lever.

    Comfy Recliners
    Adjustable Frame Bed

    King Rattan Headboard Canon Powershot Elph Canon Macro Flash Ring

    What to Look For When Buying a Mattress

    When looking for a new mattress, you need to identify what type of mattress surface is comfortable for you? Do you enjoy a more firm cushion? Or do you prefer a softer feel? Knowing this will help you narrow down your choices. Also, look for a mattress that provides support for your entire body particularly your back. Ideally, your spine should maintain its natural curve when sleeping on a mattress.

    Adjustable Frame Bed

    Is a thicker mattress better? Nowadays, manufacturers are making mattress bedding thicker than ever. What this means is that more materials are being added to give mattresses greater comfort. Another factor to consider is size. Do you plan on buying for two people or for yourself? Either way, make sure that you have adequate room to fully stretch out. You don't want to make the mistake of choosing a mattress that is too small.

    Adjustable Frame Bed

    Make sure the mattress you choose has a warranty. Generally, higher end models come with a 10 year warranty although some may be longer. It's important to note that most warranties do not cover normal wear and tear - only defects in the material. However, there are other warranty options available depending on the specific mattress.

    A mattress can be placed on a box spring or on a frame foundation. But keep in mind that placing a new mattress on an old foundation will not provide the support you need. That's why it's important to have in place the right foundation for your new mattress. Some people prefer the comfort of a box spring since it acts as a shock absorber. However, others enjoy the feel of the frame foundation. Your preference will come into play here. Follow these guidelines when choosing a mattress and you should have many nights of restful sleep.

    What to Look For When Buying a Mattress
    Adjustable Frame Bed

    Toy Room Storage

    Razor Trikes and Quads Rule!

    Razor scooters are the hottest thing on two wheels but Razor trikes - the RipRider 360 and Razor Scream Machine - and quads - the Razor Ground Force Go Kart and the Razor Dune Buggy - rule! Made for riders who love off-roading and sliding fun, these three and four-wheeled vehicles really haul, conquering all terrains and coasting into amazing 360 spins.

    Adjustable Frame Bed

    The Razor Dirt Quad is Razor's new miniature electric off-road four wheeler. It's strong, solid metal frame is far more durable than the plastic vehicles often found in this class, yet it's incredibly quiet. It's great for smaller kids with an excellent droop-travel rear suspension and long battery life. It's all weather resistant, quick moving and takes on even the steepest hills with ease thanks to its 13" pneumonic tires. The rear carry handle and vertical storage capability make it easy to transport and store. Assembly is fast and the price is just right for this off-road rocker!

    Adjustable Frame Bed

    Razor's Cool Ground Force Electric Mini Go Kart is a powerful, fast and nimble machine! It's easy to handle with a variable speed accelerator and an upgraded axle for better steering. Excellent brakes offer great control and a shoulder seat belt keeps kids safe while still having fun. The Razor Ground Force is great on hills and incredibly durable. It's quiet, has a sharp design and is easy to assemble. Better for older kids, it's fast at 12-15 mph. Overall, it's well-built with sturdy steel construction and its chain-driven motor ensures quiet operation. The long-life battery and fast charging time means more time having fun!

    The new Razor Dune Buggy makes for the perfect birthday or holiday gift because it comes fully assembled and with a charged battery so it's operational right out of the box! This vintage dune buggy design includes an authentic bucket seat with seat strap and diamond-plate floorboards just like the originals. With great torque, the Razor Dune Buggy crawls right through mud, over bumps and up steep hills thanks to terrain following suspension. Despite its cool look and tons of power, it's very affordable, well-constructed and easy to operate.

    The new Blue RipRider 360 Caster Trike lets kids do cool 360 spins while riding, sliding and drifting! A homage to the three-wheelers of the 1970s, the RipRider 360 is a fully updated ride with dual inclined casers and a freewheel system great for coasting fast and spinning out. It's easy to assemble, built to last and nothing but cool, three-wheeling fun!

    Back for a limited time, the hugely popular Razor Scream Machine is super fast. It's easy to maneuver with an adjustable handbrake and its hi-tensile steel frame makes it incredibly durable for kids from 4 all the way to 12 years of age. Dragster style, slick rear wheels make for the ultimate spinning out and sliding experience. Winner of the Parenting magazine's "Toy of the Year Award" this three-wheeler has become a legend in its own time.

    Razor Trikes and Quads Rule!
    Adjustable Frame Bed

    Childrens Bed Frame Tripod Video

    Types of Beds

    Bed is not only the major element of the room called after it - the bedroom, but also it is one of the major factors that are responsible for a sound sleep. The very image of a warm and cozy bed at the end of a tiring day is so soothing that we are sure it will replace the weariness with the relaxation the moment we snuggle into it. This is the reason for so much emphasis to be placed on a single piece of furniture - the bed! A plethora of choices available in market even perplexes the consumer as what type of bed to purchase that proves to be a worthwhile addition to their private life. As a matter of fact there are more than one ways to categorize beds like on the basis of style and design; capacity and size of the bed and also the dimensions of mattress bed will have to support. Nonetheless; it is your specifications and personal choice that makes one the right bed for you regardless of the bed type. A look at the various types of beds available in the market will make it easy for you to decide on what type is your type.

    Adjustable Frame Bed

    On the basis of Style: Bed design and style matters a lot in an era where consumers are beauty and style conscious than ever. Everybody has got a unique sense of looking at things and that is why different styles attract different people. And what other room furniture can give you more choices to depict this unique you!? There are different styles like platform beds, divan beds, sofa beds, adjustable beds, canopy beds and slat beds to satisfy your design and style sense.

    Adjustable Frame Bed

    On the basis of Capacity: Capacity is another factor that counts in the type of bed you may want. Every room is not spacious enough to allow all the furniture you may need in your bedroom. To overcome this issue of less storage capacity you can have the beds with some storage design like drawer beds and loft beds.

    On the basis of Size: Room size, the way you sleep and your relationship status matters when it is about the size of the bed. Decide on the basis of these factors that whether you should buy a bunk bed, a cabin bed, a twin bed, a queen bed, a king bed or even more bigger California king bed.

    On the basis of Dimensions of Mattress: There are beds with mattresses and you don't have to buy separate mattresses for them. However, if it is only the bed frame that you are going to buy and want to use the older mattress you were using beforehand make sure to match the dimensions of the bed frame with the mattress.

    Types of Beds
    Adjustable Frame Bed

    Cyber Monday Ultimate Series 6 Legged Super Heavy Duty King Size Metal Bed Frame With Double Rail Center Support & Wide Rug Rollers 2011 Deals

    Dec 07, 2011 07:44:29

    Cyber Monday Ultimate Series 6 Legged Super Heavy Duty King Size Metal Bed Frame With Double Rail Center Support & Wide Rug Rollers Deals
    Click for larger image and other views

    Ultimate Series 6 Legged Super Heavy Duty King Size Metal Bed Frame With Double Rail Center Support & Wide Rug Rollers

    >> Click here to update Cyber Monday prices for Ultimate Series 6 Legged Super Heavy Duty King Size Metal Bed Frame With Double Rail Center Support & Wide Rug Rollers <<

    Cyber Monday Ultimate Series 6 Legged Super Heavy Duty King Size Metal Bed Frame With Double Rail Center Support & Wide Rug Rollers Feature

    • Big Mans Frame - Legs will never Lean Sag or Bend. Easy assembly
    • Steel sockets are Prebuilt into deeply recessed Legs
    • One Piece Steel Cross rails Will Never Separate
    • InterLock Design with Oversize Heavy Duty Siderails & Protective end Caps. Recessed for Safety
    • Extra Wide Headboard Brackets with Heavy Duty Construction. Fits Virtually All Headboards

    Cyber Monday Ultimate Series 6 Legged Super Heavy Duty King Size Metal Bed Frame With Double Rail Center Support & Wide Rug Rollers Overview

    The Ultimate Series. The Strongest Bed Frame.Super Heavy duty steel bed frames engineered to support today's thicker, heavier mattresses. Sturdy Construction that can accomodate larger people. Consists of oversize Heavy Duty side rails that are one piece and will never separate. Protective End Caps for added safety. Encompasses InterLock design for safety and stability. Legs will never lean sag or bend and are recessed for safety. Double Rail Center Support. Six Wide rug rollers provide easy mobility.Extra Wide Headboard brackets will accomodate virtually any headboard configuration. Features a one-year manufacturers warranty against defects and workmanship.Easy to assemble in under ten minutes and no additional tools are required.

    SAVE NOW on Cyber Monday offers below!

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    This Cyber Monday Ultimate Series 6 Legged Super Heavy Duty King Size Metal Bed Frame With Double Rail Center Support & Wide Rug Rollers ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

    Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

    Ultimate Series 6 Legged Super Heavy Duty King Size Metal Bed Frame With Double Rail Center Support & Wide Rug Rollers

    Limited Offer Today!! Ultimate Series 6 Legged Super Heavy Duty King Size Metal Bed Frame With Double Rail Center Support & Wide Rug Rollers Cyber Monday and Black Friday 2011 Deals

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    Structures By Malouf 6-leg Adjustable Metal Bed Frame with Glides - (Full, Twin)

    Cyber Monday Structures By Malouf 6-leg Adjustable Metal Bed Frame with Glides - (Full, Twin) 2011 Deals

    Dec 06, 2011 10:14:55

    Cyber Monday Structures By Malouf 6-leg Adjustable Metal Bed Frame with Glides - (Full, Twin) Deals
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    Structures By Malouf 6-leg Adjustable Metal Bed Frame with Glides - (Full, Twin)

    >> Click here to update Cyber Monday prices for Structures By Malouf 6-leg Adjustable Metal Bed Frame with Glides - (Full, Twin) <<

    Cyber Monday Structures By Malouf 6-leg Adjustable Metal Bed Frame with Glides - (Full, Twin) Feature

    • Easily Adjusts to Fit Full and Twin Mattresses
    • Four 3" Extra-Wide Glides
    • Universal Headboard Brackets
    • Gunmetal Black Matte Powder Coating
    • Easy Assembly in Under 10 Minutes - No Additional Tools Required

    Cyber Monday Structures By Malouf 6-leg Adjustable Metal Bed Frame with Glides - (Full, Twin) Overview

    Support your mattress with a steel bed frame supported by four 3" heavy duty glides that do not creak or shift. . Headboard brackets will accomodate virtually any headboard configuration. Two cross arm support legs contribute additional support. Finished with a durable and stylish gunmetal black matte powder coating. Features a one-year manufacturer's warranty against defects and workmanship. Easy to assemble in under ten minutes and no additional tools are required. Side rail angle iron steel is 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" and cross arm angle iron steel measures 1-1/4" x 1-1/4". Fits the following mattress sizes: Full, Twin.

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    Available In Stock.

    This Cyber Monday Structures By Malouf 6-leg Adjustable Metal Bed Frame with Glides - (Full, Twin) ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

    Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

    Structures By Malouf 6-leg Adjustable Metal Bed Frame with Glides - (Full, Twin)

    Limited Offer Today!! Structures By Malouf 6-leg Adjustable Metal Bed Frame with Glides - (Full, Twin) Cyber Monday and Black Friday 2011 Deals

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